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I Have a Body!

Tools for your body liberation journey

For anyone with a body

I Have a Body! is a group learning experience that provides you with community plus the key information for your body liberation journey.


You hear a lot of people talking about body positivity these days, and sure, you agree with them theoretically. But feeling positively about your own body?! Woah. Perhaps you have an obscure to-do list in the back of your mind: “Figure out body image issues” or “Stop hating on myself in the mirror,” but you’ve never had much luck getting there on your own. Perhaps you have some questions about your eating habits like, “Why am I always thinking about food?” or “Is it okay that I ate those cookies?”


You don’t have to figure this stuff out on your own.  If you’re feeling ready to try something radical, like true body acceptance, join this group.

Wouldn't it be great to...

Wake up in the morning, throw on some clothes, wink at yourself in the mirror and then focus on all the things you truly care about? Like raising kids, making art, slowing climate change, defeating white supremacy and capitalism, hanging out with your friends, doing your job, tending your garden... instead of obsessing about some rolls on your body? Or worrying about how much you've eaten?

The Flock

Yes, IT IS POSSIBLE to develop a stronger relationship with your body. Here’s how:


Make a conscious decision to prioritize body liberation

2. ASK

Ask for help. There's no reason to do it alone


Learn practical tools and body liberation theory


Build community with other body-loving badasses


Make art or protests or rituals in support of total body liberation

seamus photo porchraits.jpg

Hey, I'm Talia.

I’m a singer, songwriter, activist, facilitator and certified professional coach. I want to live in a world where all bodies are accepted and loved.


There’s a lot of shit in this world that contributes to negative body culture: white supremacy, transphobia, misogyny, ableism, ageism, homophobia… you know, that kind of shit. In this program I focus on fatphobia: the fear of fat (though it’s all connected).


I haven’t always been so into my body. I fluctuated throughout my life between being somewhat neutral to actively hating and trying to control the size of my body through food and exercise. This was confusing because I grew up in a strong, political, feminist household. I knew that trying to control my body felt misaligned with the values I was raised with, but I couldn’t help it! The body-hating world around me was too powerful.


As a result, it was hard to show up fully in liberation movements, because worrying about my body kept me distracted. Then one day, I realized I had a choice: I could continue to try to control my body forever, or I could finally let go. What a relief. Turns out, I needed some practical tools and emotional support to truly embrace body acceptance. (The same way that as a white lady I can’t just say I’m anti-racist: I’ve got to actively do that work). I received excellent coaching from Isabel Foxen-Duke and Virgie Tovar and rebuilt a trusting, loving relationship with my body. 

Choosing body acceptance felt like finally being aligned with who I really am. That’s why I now work to share the tools for body liberation. I believe it is our birthright to get to love and be in relationship with our bodies. If that sounds appealing to you, I hope you’ll join me.


A little more about me...

Some of my identities: I’m white, Jewish, temporarily able-bodied, thin, cisgender, a new mama, and married to a man. I live on Chochenyo Ohlone land, also known as Oakland, California (where I'm from).


My experience:

  • 8+ years coaching 

  • Coach certification through Leadership that Works and next level certification through the International Coach Federation (total coaching hours: 300+)

  • Intuitive Eating certification through the Original Intuitive Eating Pros

  • 15+ years leading groups 

  • 20+ years as a social change activist

  • 39 years having a body


My clients include: cisgender women and men, nonbinary, straight, queer, aged 25-75, white, POC, single, partnered, parents, thin, fat, and "I have no idea what size I am." 


Want to learn and grow with me?


Cohort details:

Cohort 6 will begin in Feb, 2025
Sessions will be twice a month on Thursdays.

Read more about what to expect in each session.
Cohort sessions


Body Liberation Tools

It turns out, there are actual tools for body acceptance work! You can’t just wish them into being; you have to learn them. I’ll be sharing the tools with you over the 6 months.

Individual Assignments

I’ll be giving you optional assignments to help deepen the learning and make it part of your everyday life. Assignments include: journaling, reading, making art, listening to podcasts, and doing worksheets.


The real trick to lifelong body acceptance is to have a cadre of people who can support you and speak the same body language. That’s why I created this cohort—to help build connections. You’ll also have the option to join the online community so you can be connected for life.


For those ready to stop the body shame and embrace body acceptance, you can add-on coaching: where the big shifts happen. Coaching is a safe place for sharing all the feelings. It works by taking power from the shame, and building up the voice that’s ready for liberation.

Fun and Joy

I spent over 10 years leading youth groups, which basically means I’m really good at fun. This makes body liberation learning extra awesome. ;)


"I view my body with so much more compassion than before. Body worries still pop up but I respond more gently. It has been amazing to have that power to shut down body worries."

—  Emily Piff, I Have a Body! cohort 2 participant, Chicago


  • You're ready to give up dieting and worrying about your weight

  • You want to align your value of body positivity with a practice in your life

  • You care about justice and liberation for all

  • You want to learn to approach health from a weight neutral perspective

  • You want to connect with other body-loving badasses!


  • You're currently ALL IN on controlling the size and shape of your body (it's okay if you have mixed feelings!) 

  • You don't believe that body positivity is connected to liberation

  • You are actively struggling with an acute eating disorder and have not yet sought treatment

  • You're not interested in a lefty, intersectional feminist perspective on body liberation work

  • You don't enjoy learning in groups

100% of participants would recommend. I Have a Body! to their friends.

Pair it with coaching

My goal is for you to have the tools to stop getting confused and distracted by our body-hating culture and instead focus on the rest of your big life. This cohort is not group therapy nor group coaching. Everyone in the cohort will receive 1 private coaching session. Those ready to make a big change can sign up for additional private coaching, which helps turn theoretical concepts into an embodied reality.

I Have a Body! cohort

Private coaching

The perfect pairing

Image by Tim Mossholder

"I want to learn!"

AKA Join the Cohort


  • 30 min 1:1 intro call

  • 6 month cohort (12 sessions)

  • Body positive community

  • Optional assignments

  • Optional study buddy

  • Lifetime access to videos & worksheets

  • I Have a Body! swag :)

  • 1 private coaching session by phone 


This package is for folks who:

  • Want to learn body liberation tools in a community setting

  • Are not interested in regular coaching at this time



  • $840

  • $790 if you apply by Dec 1


95% of past participants agreed that this was worth every penny.


Image by Kyle Glenn

"I'm ready to grow!"

AKA Cohort + Coaching


  • 30 min 1:1 intro call

  • 6 month cohort (12 sessions)

  • Body positive community

  • Optional assignments

  • Optional study buddy

  • Lifetime access to videos & worksheets

  • I Have a Body! swag :)

  • 5 private coaching sessions by phone


This package is for folks who:

  • Want to learn body liberation tools and turn them into a real life practice

  • Are struggling with body image or food and want to embrace body acceptance

  • May also be interested in life coaching (career, art, partnership, etc.)



  • $840 for the cohort

  • $550 for 4 additional coaching sessions (a special rate for cohort participants)

  • Total: $1390 (or $1340 if you apply by Dec 1)


Looking for a more flexible or individualized experience? Check out my private coaching option.

Recommended Package!


I really think you're gonna love this, but I don't want you to sweat it!


Cohort guarantee: if after the first cohort session the program is not right for you, receive a full refund and keep the swag.


Coaching guarantee: if you sign up for package 2 (cohort + 5 private coaching sessions) and after one coaching session decide you just want to do the cohort, I will reimburse you for the remaining coaching sessions.

I want this to be awesome for you.

More $ Stuff

Payment plans available at no extra cost.


Because of the way wealth distribution is messed up in this country, reach out if you are Black, Indigineous, or a Person of Color and the pricing structure would be a significant hardship.


Not sure which package is right for you? Reach out for a 20 min, no obligation, free intro call.


10% of all profits (from the cohort and coaching) are donated to groups doing racial, economic and climate justice work, with an additional investment made in fat liberation.




91% of participants agree that participation in I Have a Body! increased their internal body trust and confidence



Cohort meetings: 6 months, every other week-ish for 1 hour 45 minutes (21 hours total)

Coaching: everyone gets one 60 min coaching session. You may add more.

Optional assignments: as much or as little as you want

Optional study buddy: also up to you, could be 15 min/month.


Most of my clients are leading pretty busy lives. 21+ hours can seem like a lot.

But how many hours have you spent struggling with body image? Isn't it worth finally giving your body the attention it deserves? Also, the cohort meetings will be recorded if you need to miss some.


Probably not, at least not in this form. I recommend applying now if you're feeling ready. Why wait on doing the thing you really want? How cool will it be when you've finally started the journey to body acceptance?



If you're not sure if this is right for you, or which package to choose, reach out for a free 20 minute call.

There are also many alumni who have volunteered to talk to anyone who is unsure and share their honest experience. Contact me to be connected to one of them.


Cohort 6 will run for 6 months starting in February, 2025. We will meet 2 Thursdays/month 4:15-6pm PT. See the application for more details.


The I Have a Body! cohort always has a mix of people who have learned different parts of the body liberation journey before, as well as newer folks. That's what makes it so rich-- we get to learn from each other! If you've already started your journey, this is a great place to review and deepen in community.


The cohort will be focused on teaching the tools and creating connections. It will be a fun, interactive experience. Coaching is a great way to take what you are learning and translate it into a tangible, embodied reality in your life. 


STEP 1: Fill out an application. This is not to evaluate you, it's to help both of us make sure this is the right program for you (& to pick a meeting time). 


STEP 2: Watch your email for a response from me.


STEP 3: Submit payment via venmo or paypal. Assuming the program is the right fit and the timing works for you, reserve your spot by following instructions in the email to send payment.


STEP 4: Begin your body liberation journey! The first meeting of I Have a Body! will be in January. Prior to the first meeting participants will be sent the welcome video and the members only website.

If you’re struggling with food or body stuff, it's not your fault. We’ve been given very few tools for dealing with it. Fortunately, I’ve spent the past 5+ years collecting tools and I want to share them with you.

Note: Cohort 6 is open to people 18+. If you are under 18 and interested, reach out for other options.

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