Winter can be a hard time for body image.
It’s cold and dark. Some of our bodies puff out a little more to compensate for the chill. We bundle up in thick sweaters and struggle to remember the body underneath.
The energy of winter is less flashy and sexy, more slow and internal. Sometimes I find myself wondering what I can do to get that FUN summer feeling again, forgetting that it’s just a feeling, and like all feelings it will come and then leave again, over and over. Cycles.
Winter is a perfect time to cuddle up with a mug of tea and check in with your body. Many of us were trained to focus on what’s wrong, what hurts, and then make use of new year's resolutions to try to fix that thing. But what if before diving into the pain points, you start with the good?
Some questions to ask your body/ yourself about this past year:
what went well?
were there any moments when I viewed my body as my teammate?
what were some of the nice things I did for my body?
what did my body most appreciate?
when did my body feel most loved/connected/safe?
what’s something I can celebrate about my body journey today?
Your answers might be small, and that might be perfect. I’d love to know what you’re reflecting on.
Happy new year,
P.S. Winter can also be a good time to make space for body grief, something I recently wrote about on instagram.